
Layton vs Phoenix Wright

I recently borrowed a game from my girlfriend, called (in English) "Professor Layton versus Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney". It is actually a combination of two game series, "Professor Layton" and "Ace Attorney". If you have not heard of either of these games, the first is a game which involves solving puzzles to unravel a mystery, while the second takes place in a courtroom setting (lawyers and such) while also looking for clues to solve a murder for each case. Both are highly recommended.

Of course, the game I am playing now is in Japanese, so it is a bit difficult, since it involves a lot of reading, especially since wording is important to solving the puzzles and pointing out contradictions in the courtroom. But I have been doing okay so far, and also learning new Japanese words (maybe). It gives me confidence to try the newest Ace Attorney game, since it came out in Japan first, and my gf already bought it, haha. But first I need to complete this game!


Layton vs Phoenix Wright