Matsuyama on a rainy Sunday
I visited Matsuyama yesterday! I went to my favorite hamburger shop - I wrote about it once before - called R. Greasers. It's a bit out of the way but the burgers are second to none!

The owner is a big fan of retro Americana and has a car to match - a 1930 ford Model A hotrod. He recently repainted it himself using a brush in the traditional period correct hotrod style. It's an awesome car.
He also has a very sweet american Bull Terrier named Bari.

I really like this place.
The owner is a big fan of retro Americana and has a car to match - a 1930 ford Model A hotrod. He recently repainted it himself using a brush in the traditional period correct hotrod style. It's an awesome car.
He also has a very sweet american Bull Terrier named Bari.
I really like this place.
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