
Getting sick in America can mean lots and lots of debt. Monday I ended up going to the hospital. It appears as though my lovely wife gave me whatever it is that she has. If it had been America I would have come out with a shot and a nice big bill. Here in Japan I came out with 5 different medications for three days. And the bill you ask? Less than 20 US dollars.
The I find both the price and the medicine to be very different from what I am used to. In America the bill is bigger but I always get medication for, at the very least, one week. My family doctor back in America knows that if I am at his office I am at the point where I need a shot and not pills. The shot works great for me. My the next day I feel great. Today is Thursday, I have finished my medication and I still feel pretty bad.
The jury is still out on this one. While I do prefer the price of a hospital visit in Japan I think I rather have my American medication. Still I feel it is unfair to compare a family doctor that has gotten to know me over the past years to a hospital in Japan. It is like comparing oranges to apples.
Do you think the Japanese health system is good? Do you believe Japanese medicine is weaker than american?
Posted by teachers at 17:00