I bought a cute notebook and pencil the other day. A student showed me the rainbow pencil and I looked all over the mall for one. It's so neat! I have a plethora of small Japanese notebooks, I love the designs with ghosts on them the most! I probably have 6 ghost notebooks in my apartment right now.
I'm trying to take control of my note-taking too. I used to keep several notebooks in college, only to end up using one big one. It was easier, but it was never organized well. I tried!
Today I bought a small binder that holds loose paper. You can move the papers around to any part of the binder and it acts like a notebook. Japan is really advanced when it comes to stationary stuff. I adore it.
I hope I can stay organized at preparing my lessons. It always starts out well, then turns out to be a crazy mess.
So what's the first thing I need to do???? DECORATE! I'm very very good at that.
Good thing I also love to buy stickers.
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