
The Horror Movie Challenge!

The Horror Movie Challenge!

As I'm sure all of you know, I LOVE horror movies. I just cannot get enough of them! When October roles around, it's time for me (and some of my friends) to take on the Horror Movie Challenge!

The challenge is to watch 1 horror movie every day in October, making that 31 movies! But 15 of them have to ones that you have never seen. Ah, there's the hard part. I enjoy watching scary movies during any month, and don't tend to save any for October viewing. Trying to find 15 new films has led me to seek out old films (Hitchcock, D'argento) and foriegn films (Korean, French). It's so exciting to discover something new that maybe I didn't want to watch before.

The genre of horror is good and bad. There are hundreds of horror movies made every year, but so many of them are lacking. Plot, characters, production? These movies get made whether they are good or not, with the expectation that fans such as myself, will watch it. Sometimes it's really hard to be a fan, when the movie makers don't seem to respect their audience enough to give them something decent to watch.

I need a good story, or I need to have a lot of fun. I like to be surprised and a little bit scared. I'm not looking to be terrified---I still need to sleep at night!

So far, I am 7 movies for 7 days into my challenge. There has been one very good film so far, called The Hive. It can be bought and watched online and I really enjoyed it.

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The Horror Movie Challenge!