Mother Nature is nature personified as a creative and controlling force. When I say Mother Nature, I refer to the events that happen in this world that are out of our hands. Natural disasters are a force that we humans can not fight against. We can put certain plans in place to protect and guard ourselves, but we can never fight against such a strong force as Mother Nature. Throughout our lives we are faced with many challenges that seem terrifying and hopeless, sadly, many fall to these challenges, but many also live through these challenges, and continue on into tomorrow. I have been through many natural disasters in my life, from flooding to tornadoes, and yes, I fear these events when they occur, but I also know that whatever happens in life, happens, and all we can do is move forward, looking back at the events that occurred and create a plan to prevent such devastating things from occurring again in the future. This may seem like a very deep and saddening subject matter for a blog, but this is what is on my mind currently. I was woken, abruptly, to a rather large earthquake this morning. Initially, I didn't think the earthquake happened. I Googled it and couldn't find any information on it, then on Facebook my co-worker posted something about it and I knew that I wasn't dreaming it all up. It was the strongest earthquake I have ever been in and it was an awakening of my senses. Back home, in Texas, there were often tornadoes, drought, or really bad storms, so I lived each day expecting something bad to happen, and I think living in Japan has made me lose focus of those things. This earthquake was a true wake up call for me because even though I live in, probably, the safest area of Japan, natural disasters could still occur here.
I apologize if this topic is too deep for you so early in the morning. Thanks for reading.
Posted by teachers at 10:00│