
Is it summer?

Is it summer?

It's grilled fish season. Time to eat some fish. Can you really say it's summer until you've eaten one?

This stuff is called あめご depending on who you ask. Thats what the fish guy says, but its not what my dictionary said. It's like a salmon or a trout. Beautiful light pink flesh. Great with olive oil and lemon.

同じカテゴリー(Joe先生 )の記事画像
Patriotic cheese
Big bike ride
Staying alive
Saving a rose bush
A new breed of dog
Eggs from a machine, anytime you like!
同じカテゴリー(Joe先生 )の記事
 Patriotic cheese (2022-08-29 08:00)
 Big bike ride (2022-08-22 08:00)
 Staying alive (2022-08-15 08:00)
 Saving a rose bush (2022-08-08 08:00)
 Goodbye for now (August 31st) (2022-08-01 08:00)
 A new breed of dog (2022-07-25 08:00)


Is it summer?