A Song In My Head

I have a song stuck in my head. I hum it every time I go food shopping. At work I tap my feet to it during a break time. Sometimes I sing it to myself while folding clothes. Don't even get me started on how many times I've replayed the tune on my phone. What is this strangely addicting song? It's "Last Surprise" from the video game Persona 5.
To be honest, I've never actually played a single Persona game. In fact I only ever hear the song when my husband plays it on his Switch. And that is if he's in battle mode. Interestingly enough, "Last Surprise" is only ever heard during fight scenes. That explains the lyrics:
"You'll never see it coming
You'll see that my mind is too fast for eyes
You're done in
By the time it's hit you, your last surprise"
Even though it is essentially a fight song it plays like a jazz classic. The opening string arrangements are entrancing and make me imagine a 1940s juke joint rather than a battlefield. Plus the singer, Lyn Inaizumi, has such a soulful voice. It's no wonder that it's constantly on repeat in my brain. I definitely recommend this song to anyone looking for a new tune for their playlist!
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