Getting Excited for Golden Week!
I'm so excited for this time of year, not because we're starting to plan our Summer Tour event (it's going to be a blast this year!!) but because we're coming up on Golden Week! This year, we've decided to take a quiet trip to Osaka for a couple of days and just relax in the big city. The hostel we'll be staying at boasts a huge library of books in many languages, so I'm very excited for the opportunity to relax with a book and spend some time quietly reading. It's something I haven't had the chance to do in quite a long time, and I hope getting back into the habit isn't so difficult. What are your plans for Golden Week? Are you travelling somewhere, or is family coming to visit you? Let me know!
I'm so excited for this time of year, not because we're starting to plan our Summer Tour event (it's going to be a blast this year!!) but because we're coming up on Golden Week! This year, we've decided to take a quiet trip to Osaka for a couple of days and just relax in the big city. The hostel we'll be staying at boasts a huge library of books in many languages, so I'm very excited for the opportunity to relax with a book and spend some time quietly reading. It's something I haven't had the chance to do in quite a long time, and I hope getting back into the habit isn't so difficult. What are your plans for Golden Week? Are you travelling somewhere, or is family coming to visit you? Let me know!
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