Cooking again!
I don't know if I stated this before, but I sort of have a hobby with cooking. I always thought it was fun and interesting, but never really made much time for it. Due to recent events, I have decided to try my hand again at becoming a capable cook. So I recently purchased a cook book called "Yaseru Okazu Tsukuri Oki". The plus side of using this cookbook is that it involves a lot of meals that will help with slimming down, which is also something I am trying to do.
Anyway, I bought this book, and am pleased to see how relatively simple the recipes are. I can read about half of it, having the most difficulty with the kanji, but have been able to successfully recreate at least two dishes! The dish I have already done twice now is called "Toridango to Hakusai no Monde Chin". Here is a picture:

I can't wait to try out the other recipes!
Anyway, I bought this book, and am pleased to see how relatively simple the recipes are. I can read about half of it, having the most difficulty with the kanji, but have been able to successfully recreate at least two dishes! The dish I have already done twice now is called "Toridango to Hakusai no Monde Chin". Here is a picture:

I can't wait to try out the other recipes!
Posted by teachers at 08:55│Comments(0)