
Vacation is work

What do I mean by that? Well, I'm sure most people say they need a vacation to relax, or relieve some stress. Some plan to go away somewhere for a while, and some may just plan to do nothing at all. But things don't always work out that way. For me, I had planned to kinda be lazy at home, not really going out much and spending money, maybe playing some games and practicing cooking. As GW got closer and closer, more and more plans were made with friends to do things, like traveling (I went to Tokushima for a day and a half), to a night out drinking with friends, to hanging out by the river for a barbecue. I'm not really complaining, all of those things ended up being lots of fun. It just wasn't what I intended to do. And it required a bit more thinking and planning (and moving) that I had intended to avoid. Fortunately I didn't do any long distance travel for the week (and by that I mean outside Shikoku). If I had, it would have been less relaxing and more stressful. I say this because if I were to go somewhere, I would feel like I had to go sightseeing, wandering around and trying to take in as much as I can of wherever I went. That would mean I would have to research and plan out what I would do, how I would get around, and so on, and that would be so tiring. And then after doing all of that, I would return home, and have to prepare for work, and I would be exhausted. Well, that didn't happen this time, so it all worked out in the end. I hope you all had a fun vacation. But now it's time to start preparing to work again!


Vacation is work