
A Stubborn Cough

A Stubborn Cough

I've had a cough for over 4 weeks now. I don't have a fever (but then, I don't tend to get them) and my throat seems okay, but I can't stop clearing my throat. My voice sounded kinda scratchy this past month but of course I couldn't stop singing and teaching. I pity all of my students who have to hear it!

Last week, it took a turn for the worst. I was annoyed with sounding funny and not being able to karaoke. But suddenly I couldn't sleep. I woke up coughing several times a night.

I took to the internet to find some suggestions on cold remedies in Japan. The blogs aimed at foreigners in Japan were wildly unhelpful. Most of them suggested stocking up the next time I'm back in America. Sound advice, but not helping the problem now! Also, a lot of medicine that we're used to having in America is illegal in Japan. So I can't take it with me anyway. Like I stated before, Americans take care of cold themselves and don't go to the hospital or a doctor unless they feel they aren't getting better.

My friend suggested 2 things right away. To stack up my pillows as best as I could and eat some limes. I was perplexed at the latter. Limes? I thought limes were just for flavoring things. Who eats limes? But I bought one and set about to make some limonade. Haven't tried it yet. I drink lots of lemon ginger tea with honey but it hasn't changed anything.

Asking around, I found some cough syrup called BRON. It tasted like root beer, which I thought was funny. Medicine in America usually tastes like cherries. I think it actually helped, along with the pillows thing. I tried decongestants and cough drops too, but they don't seem to do much. The cough drops need some menthol in them, otherwise they just taste like candy.

Here's hoping that I get back to normal. I want to sleep and SING!

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A Stubborn Cough