
A ninth planet?

Hey all!

As you may have already guessed; I am a big fan of space and everything that comes with space. Sci-fi stories to telescopes; I love it all. This blog post is dedicated to a bit of space knowledge regarding our own solar system.

Now I know all of you are familiar with this beauty, Pluto.

A ninth planet?

Well before 2005 she was considered the ninth planet of our solar system. Pluto resides in a region of space called the Kuiper belt which is a vast area of asteroids and other small bodied "dwarf planets". In 2005 scientists discovered another object in that region of space which is similar to Pluto and named it Eris. Scientists then determined that Pluto should be considered a "dwarf planet" and not a planet in the same degree as the other 8, due to it's size. Pluto was then demoted and our solar system officially had only 8 planets.

I like Pluto, by the way.

So why this blog post? Well scientists have detected a true ninth planet that is 10 times the Earth's mass and it never gets closer than 200 times the Earth/sun distance.

Here's a picture of it's suspected orbit and distance.

A ninth planet?

Unfortunately we can't see the planet yet but we can detect that it IS there. And scientists are convinced that it IS a planet due to the regions behavior. It is suspected that it completes one solar orbit every 10,000 to 15,000 years.

I wish I had a picture of the planet to show you but I don't. We'll have to wait and see what scientists can tell us in the future.

This is my face when it comes to news about space:

A ninth planet?

- James Barbosa

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A ninth planet?