Shopping Adventure
I've been trying a few different ways to keep warm in my apartment. On Sunday, I decided to go to Nitori to look for a kotatsu. Since I don't have a car, that meant going by train. I didn't get out until after my delivery came (a beautiful Spring jacket) which had me on a train in the late afternoon.
I'd done this before. I had to go to Motoyama station (pretty far!) and walk to the YouMe town. It was cold and a little windy, but I walked to the mall with no problems. At the Nitori, I walked in circles a few times, not seeing any kotatsu displays. Turns out that they were only selling the tables! I found a small table for less than 6000 yen and timidly looked for a salesperson to help me. I had to use Japanese but I did alright. One lady helped me get a Nitori point card and sign up for a delivery. Sadly, I would not be warm and toasty this weekend. Delivery was scheduled for next Monday.
I had some Thai curry and nan and did some people watching. I went to GU and found some pants for Yosakoi practice this month. I also found some sakura jewelry that made me nostalgic for Spring weather.
I left the mall happily with my bags, but found it dark outside and raining! I used the Maps app on my phone to walk to the station but it died after 10 minutes. I was lost in the dark and the rain, wondering which way I should go. Such a situation would have terrified me in the past, but I was confident that I could find my way to some kind of store and ask for help. I walked in the direction where there seemed to be the most light and cars, and after a straight shot I found the station. Whew! The trains don't run very often to Motoyama though, so I had a bit of a wait until I got on a train.
What a day!
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