A Procession!
Hello, all!
Yesterday Miyuki invited the Gem School teachers to watch the Ochigo-sama Gyouretsu at the Kokuyuu temple in Toyohama. I'm really glad that I went! In English, Ochigo-sama Gyouretsu is probably best translated as, "Noble Children's Procession."
Interesting English note: A "procession" is a little different from a "parade." In a parade, the starting and ending places are not important. Spectators watch a parade from the side of the road, without moving. In a procession, the group has a single goal. Spectators might follow the procession, or cheer it on when it reaches its goal. A "procession" also sounds like an important event—a "parade" is just for entertainment!
I didn't get to see the procession itself, but I did watch the ceremony and saw all the children entering the temple. I really enjoyed Kokuyuu-ji! It's not very far from me, but the grounds are lovely. I was also very impressed by the sacred tree. You can see it on the left in this video I took at the event:

Click for full size!
I'm afraid I won't upload the whole video, because the lighting is no good. But I'm still very happy to have been introduced to such a nice place, and to have seen some of the Gem School family there!
Yesterday Miyuki invited the Gem School teachers to watch the Ochigo-sama Gyouretsu at the Kokuyuu temple in Toyohama. I'm really glad that I went! In English, Ochigo-sama Gyouretsu is probably best translated as, "Noble Children's Procession."
Interesting English note: A "procession" is a little different from a "parade." In a parade, the starting and ending places are not important. Spectators watch a parade from the side of the road, without moving. In a procession, the group has a single goal. Spectators might follow the procession, or cheer it on when it reaches its goal. A "procession" also sounds like an important event—a "parade" is just for entertainment!
I didn't get to see the procession itself, but I did watch the ceremony and saw all the children entering the temple. I really enjoyed Kokuyuu-ji! It's not very far from me, but the grounds are lovely. I was also very impressed by the sacred tree. You can see it on the left in this video I took at the event:

Click for full size!
I'm afraid I won't upload the whole video, because the lighting is no good. But I'm still very happy to have been introduced to such a nice place, and to have seen some of the Gem School family there!
Posted by teachers at 17:00│Comments(0)