
Halloween Party in Michigan!

Halloween Party in Michigan!

On Sunday morning, I went to a Halloween party in Michigan!

What? How?

My friends in Michigan were having their annual Halloween party and I messaged them on video through skype! My video came through on an I-Pad and I was passed around from friend to friend. It was really good to see everyone! When I didn't see them, I was accidentally aimed at the ceiling! Haha
There were couple costumes from Bob's Burgers and The Adam's Family. My sister re-lived her Steven Universe Cosplay. Captain America and Elizabeth Swan (from the Pirate movies) were pretty great too.

For many years, I was the one who had the Halloween party. My Mom enjoyed helping me throw it, and my friends REALLY enjoyed my hospitality and the hot-tub! A few years ago, my friends Megan and Joe bought a house, and worked really hard to turn it into a spooky place. Their basement looks like a dungeon!

Halloween Party in Michigan!
Halloween Party in Michigan!

All of that "rock" is hand painted!

The party got a bit too loud, as parties do, so whoever I was talking to tended to retreat to an empty room or go outside with me. But October in Michigan can get pretty chilly! Everyone kept forgetting what time is was and asked me to have a drink. But Michigan's Saturday night was Japan's Sunday morning! I had some coffee and breakfast.

I talked to people for about 3 hours! The whole thing had been a really good idea. I missed my friends and I felt like I was pretty much at the party. When everyone said goodbye, there were a lot of people telling me they were going to get Skype accounts too and talk to me again. I guess they missed me too!

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Halloween Party in Michigan!