
Super Moon Total Lunar Eclipse of Awesome!

Super Moon Total Lunar Eclipse of Awesome!

This week the world got the opportunity to see a fairly rare cosmic event! A Super moon that entered a total Lunar Eclipse turned a deep blood red, sadly it happened on the opposite side of the world so we couldn't see it here in Japan but many, many people got pictures of it! The phases of the moon have quite a history through legend and lore. The full moon in particular has quite an interesting lore. You may know the word Lunatic, it is derived from the word Lunaticus which means 'of the moon' or 'moonstruck.' The word was used to reference people who seemed to change their persona or who became uncontrollable during the full moon. Today we use the word in reference someone who is crazy in general. Somewhere along the way the moon got a reputation for all creatures that go bump in the night as well, vampires and werewolves and the like. All in all I think the effects of the moon on the world are so vast and impressive that we may never know how much it truly affects us.

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Super Moon Total Lunar Eclipse of Awesome!