Rote learning

Most people don't realize it but learning a language is not about learning concepts, but a physical skill, much like swimming or even walking. The whole body is involved, and the latest studies of linguistics are based on the latest developments in biology, brain structure, and physical activity. It's not really a "subject" in school like math or whatever, but learning how to coordinate hearing, seeing, and feelings, in context of meaning. In the old days most of the learning was done by rote learning, that is memorizing, verb tables, declensions of nouns if there are any, conjugations of verbs. A lot of that still goes on in the teaching of foreign languages. Some people learn that way, but they learn in spite of the system, not because of it. You could actually learn a language from the telephone book, but what on earth for? So if you want to learn a language you have to go out and use it, like a swimmer has to get into the water. Only by doing it yourself can you internalize not just words, and their translations, but begin to notice what's going on between the words, the sentences, the meaningful context it's attempting to express. Go for it.
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