Back in Kyoto, and as always feel like at home. I had lunch with one of my first friends in Japan, Kosuke. He's teaching Italian at the university in Kyoto. We've been friends for so many years now. He's visited me in Vienna and in Sendai, and I visited him in Kawasaki. It's nice to meet up with olds friends, isn't it? I can still remember my first impressions of Japan, so many years ago. I've changed since then, but Japan has as well, not least because of the tsunami, and nuclear disaster. There's no going back though. The politicians can try to hold back the scourge of time, but even they know it's useless. Anyway, Kyoto as at all times of year is lovely, and inviting. It pays to spend some time here, not just for the touristy things, but to get a feel for something special, at least for me, but I suspect for many others as well. It's nice to know it's still there. 
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