
Talking to kids

Talking to kids
Do you talk to your children, I mean converse with them? It may sound absurd, but I've been watching the interaction of mothers in particular with their children, when dealing with students. Some mothers try to reason with their kids, even very young ones, drawing their attention to how their misbehavior may be unfair to other kids, how they would feel if the same thing was done to them by another kid - in other words, trying to get kids to understand why it's in their interest to be respectful of other kids, how everyone can learn better if these actions are curbed. Some mothers (I obviously get to see less of fathers) are reluctant to go beyond telling them what to do or not do, ordering them. Others, probably on the basis of some kind of popular psychology feel that any show of guiding kids should be avoided, to the point of making almost no comment or intervention, until the child gets quite out of hand. I think this is following some rule book or other, not based on the personal conversation approach I mentioned above. Don't be afraid to really talk with your kids. It's better for them, but also takes the stress off of the parent who think their job it is, to monitor everything the kids are doing at all times. That may be the case with very small ones, but raising kids also entails gradually letting go, enabling them to stand on their own two feet and make decisions themselves.

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Talking to kids