
Let's Explore!

Lets Explore!

I always talk about how much I love living in Japan--particularly Shikoku. I keep myself very busy by spending time with good friends and exploring the natural beauty and also the delicious food of Shikoku. It's easy to drive around and find something interesting. When you have nothing to do, simply go for a drive and discover something new. One of my favorite things to stumble upon are waterfalls. I found 2 in only a week of exploring Kochi and Tokushima prefectures. I'm sure there are more! The water was freezing cold but I went for a swim anyway.

On a Quest With My Wife
Animal Crossing
Pep Talk
Little Pieces of Comfort
Waiting For A New Game
Wildlife Encounter
 Kimetsu Ramen (2020-11-09 05:00)
 Cola Ramen (2020-05-25 05:00)
 Dragon Ramen (2020-04-20 05:00)
 On a Quest With My Wife (2020-03-03 17:00)
 Animal Crossing (2020-02-29 13:00)
 Pep Talk (2020-02-25 17:00)


Let's Explore!