
Summer Break & Camping in America

Camping in the Rocky Mountains

I know camping in Japan is very popular, especially with children here starting their summer break. It is the same in America! And when you have a big family with 5 children, like my daughter's family, you need a big "tent" called a motor home!! I haven't seen any of these here in Japan yet!! I think it is because you need a BIG road- especially the back roads here are not known to be very wide. I have posted a picture of my daughter's motor home so you can see what I mean!!

America is a large country and they are now traveling across it, camping and visiting family all along the way- from Colorado to New York!! The first picture is the Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado, where we are from. And the last picture is Lake Michigan in Michigan, where I was born and spent the first 30 years of my life. The Great Lakes surround Michigan and you would think you are on a beach on an ocean. The lakes are so Big you can not see the other side! What gives it away is that the water is fresh water, not salt. So when you go swimming you feel FRESH! Not salty!!

I hope all our GEM students enjoy their summer breaks!! Whatever they may end up doing!

A Motor home- A BIG tent

Lake Michigan

Calm after the Storm
Snow in Takamatsu
Happy New Years 2021
Merry Christmas!!
It's Time to Make Christmas Cookies!
It's Time To Send Christmas Cards!!
 Calm after the Storm (2021-01-13 20:00)
 Snow in Takamatsu (2021-01-10 19:45)
 Happy New Years 2021 (2020-12-30 20:00)
 Merry Christmas!! (2020-12-23 20:00)
 It's Time to Make Christmas Cookies! (2020-12-16 20:00)
 It's Time To Send Christmas Cards!! (2020-12-09 20:00)


Summer Break & Camping in America