Like Father, like Gary
Hello All, Happy belated Father's Day! When I first started teaching here I would introduce myself to the older students with my full name, Gary Barrett Jr. Some would ask me what the "Jr." in my name meant and I told them that I was named after my father. I've been incorperating the "Jr." in my name recently since living back in the states to tell my father and I apart. I used to think my father and I were two completely different people. Now as I grow older, I realize we are more alike then I could've imaged. I realized it in teaching children and general communication with other people. My father is a naturally charming, happy, encouraging, fun loving, humorious, wise man. I've noticed though teaching and living abroad how similar we actually are. My father has always been good with kids. I remember spending summers with him having the time of my life as a kid. My father is truly my hero and I hope I have and will continue to bring honor to my name.

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