Mom and sis in Reno
Here is a picture of my mom and sister. They are at Reno, the world biggest little city. It is seen as a minor or miniature Vegas, minus all the famous replicas. Reno is located in a mountainous area so in the Winter it becomes a popular spot for snow sports, such as skiing. In the rest of the year it becomes a great place to enjoy some of the outdoors. My family just likes to walk about town and relax and try out all the various shops. We used to talk once about getting a timeshare there, which means that we reserve a room there and pay a small fee for that. I think once, actually, we did have a timeshare there, but I don’t actually remember going there often. I never really liked long drives since I get car sick easily. Maybe now I’d enjoy them, but before I couldn’t say they were my favorites. Arriving at the actual destination however was always a joy, and my times in Reno and nearby Lake Tahoe were enjoyable to say the least. Unfortunately, I would always get sick on my first day there! I think this was largely due to the new bacteria in the altitude of the area and my body being a slow learner. I’m a bit jealous though seeing my sister enjoy her birthday there and with my family. You can’t really tell from this picture, but I really resemble my mom. I miss her a lot, as well as the rest of my family, even my brother!
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