Vending Machines
There are plenty of vending machines all throughout Japan. They sell drinks such as coffee, water, and tea. It’s very convenient when you are on the go and want to grab some coffee. In America, there are vending machines with snacks. Typically these snacks are not very healthy, usually potato chips, cookies, and other salty or sugary snacks. I think it’s interesting to see the difference of vending machine types in each country.

Tea Adventures
Hello again!
This weekend I got to explore Kirinomori, a beautiful location hidden away in the mountains near Shikokuchuo. I will never get tired of the mountains in Ehime. I love the way the greenery rises up out of the ground like the spine of some gigantic beast! I was happy my friend was driving so I could just gaze at the scenery!
I could keep talking about the drive to Kirinomori but I want to move on to my most memorable experience of the day: having matcha at a traditional tea house. My friends and I took our shoes off, my first time doing that at a restaurant, and were shown to our table. The tatami mats and view into green trees and rock formations prepared me for a peaceful time sipping tea and nibbling on mochi. Instead, I experienced an explosion of bitterness in my mouth that was anything but relaxing! Fortunately, I am not totally against bitterness in my tea so, with many bites of mochi to help me along, I finished it all. The most surprising thing of all was that my tea was not the most bitter kind! Why anyone would want tea more bitter than what I had, I don’t know, but someone must like it because it was on the menu! I don’t think I will start drinking that kind of matcha every day but I enjoyed the experience and next time will get the least bitter tea!
Curry additions.

Adding extra ingredients to box-curry is fun and easy to do. I'll Go pretty nuts sometimes :V
I'm not saying I'm a great chef, but having interesting food on the table is fun with a little extra work. Do they taste good though? Hard to say when I'm the only one eating them right now ;V